Calendar Elements

Historical data is ubiquitous in enterprise software. Envision provides several mechanisms intended to facilitate the processing and visualization of these data. In particular, Envision adopts a calendar-first perspective, which is particularly adapted for most supply chain related undertakings.

Table of contents

Calendar types

Envision has three calendar data types: date, week and month. These data types don’t have literals (unlike numbers) but can be instantiated via built-in functions, as illustrated below:

d = date(2021, 3, 21)
w = week(2021, 20)
m = month(2021, 3)

show summary "Time values" a1a3 with 
  d // 'Mar 21, 2021'
  w // '2021-W11'
  m // '2021-03'

In the script above, the variables d, w and m are respectively instantiated via the functions date(), week() and month().

These built-in functions have the same name as the data type they return. However, these functions also benefit from overloads, notably from date conversions:

d = date(2021, 3, 21)
w = week(d)
m = month(d)

show summary "Time values" a1a3 with 
  d // 'Mar 21, 2021'
  w // '2021-W11'
  m // '2021-03'

These calendar types are absolute: month refers to a specific month in a specific year, not to a month-of-year value on a 1 to 12 scale, idem for week. Envision adopts the ISO week date system. The earliest date representable in Envision is the first day of the 21st century, i.e. Monday, January 1st 2001. The last date representable in Envision is 2180-06-06.

The calendar types benefit from arithmetic operations. Integers can be added to or subtracted from calendar values, as illustrated below:

d = date(2021, 5, 21) + 1
w = week(2021, 20) + 2
m = month(2021, 5) - 3

show summary "Time values" a1a3 with 
  d // 'Mar 22, 2021'
  w // '2021-W22'
  m // '2021-02'

Conversely, the difference between two calendar types returns a number representing the time difference, expressed in calendar periods.

sd = date(2021, 5, 21) - date(2021, 5, 20)
sw = week(2021, 20) - week(2021, 18)
sm = month(2021, 2) - month(2021, 5)

show summary "Time spans" a1a3 with 
  sd // '1'
  sw // '2'
  sm // '-3'

Calendar arithmetic is handy to cope with situations that may involve lead times or scheduled operations for example.

Envision includes an extensive support for calendar conversions, e.g. date(week, dayOfWeek), week(year, weekOfYear), and calendar operations, e.g. monthStart(), monday(). As a rule of thumb, round-trips between text values and calendar values is a strong hint that the script should be rewritten to take advantage of those built-in functions. The list of functions of the reference section compiles all the calendar-related built-in functions.

Advanced remark: Under the hood, the Envision runtime extensively leverages those specialized data types to speed up the computation. Indeed, generic programming languages typically promote complex date time values, which are not only encompassing the time of day but also the timezone. Date arithmetics are frequently used in supply chain, and these computations end up being accidentally expensive due to the introduction of irrelevant concerns. Even basic sorting operations can be vastly accelerated by the use of specialized algorithms such as bucket sort, which vastly outperforms quick sort whenever the number of distinct elements to be sorted is low - as it happens to be the case with distinct calendar values.

Parsing and printing dates

As a rule of thumb, in Envision, dates are intended to be parsed via read statements. The display of dates is intended to be controlled via the StyleCode capabilities of Envision. However, Envision also features a few capabilities to control the explicit conversion from text values to calendar values and vice versa.

d = date(2021, 3, 21)
w = week(2021, 20)
m = month(2021, 5)

show summary "Time values" a1a3 with 
  text(d) // '2021-03-21'
  text(w) // '2021-W20'
  text(m) // '2021-05'

Conversely, the parseDate() function parses text values into date values:

d = parseDate("2021-03-21")
show scalar "Parsed date" with d // 'Mar 21, 2021'

The two functions text(date) and parseDate() are symmetrical. An overload of parseDate() is also available to specify the date format.

Also, the tryParseDate() function offers a greater degree of control when it comes to the processing of potentially invalid data entries as illustrated by:

table E = with
  [| as Raw       |]
  [| "2021-02-11" |]
  [| "2021-02-31" |] // no such date
  [| "123"        |] // not a date

E.CanBeParsed, E.ParsedDate = tryParseDate(E.Raw, "yyyy-MM-dd")

show table "Parsing results" a1c3 with

When a date cannot be parsed, the default date 2001-01-01 is returned instead.

Roadmap: We suggest not to rely on the default value 2001-01-01 in the case of failed parsing. Indeed, later evolutions of Envision will probably prevent, by design, to even access unparsable entries. This design angle is unlikely to be specific to the tryParseDate function however.

Time of day and time zones

At this point, Envision remains with limited support for time-of-day values. This limitation reflects Envision’s original intent to support supply chain decisions where there is frequently little to gain by going beyond the daily granularity. Nevertheless, time-of-day can be processed as illustrated by:

show table "Time of day" a1b2 with
  parseTime("2021-01-01 12:00:00") as "parseTime" // '0.5'
  printTime(0.5, "HH:mm:ss") as "printTime" // '12:00:00'

Time zones are also supported. Envision adopts a UTC-centric perspective as illustrated by:

show table "Time of day" a1b2 with
  parseDate("2021-01-01 23:00:00 -6", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z") as "parseDate" // Jan 2, 2021
  parseTime("2021-01-01 23:00:00 -6", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z") as "parseTime" // '0.21'

In the above script, the date gets parsed as Jan 2nd (instead of Jan 1st) due to the specified timezone. Correspondingly, the time of day fraction is parsed as 0.21, which matches the date of Jan 2nd.

Calendar tables

Calendar tables facilitate the processing of historical dates by offering a mechanism to “densify” the sequences. Indeed, processing and visualizing time-series is typically easier when the time-series are dense.

Let’s start by creating a small flat file containing dates. This flat file will be used in the following to clarify the intent associated with calendar tables:

table Orders = with
  [| as OrderDate, as Quantity |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 2),   1 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 3),   2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 5),   2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 5),   1 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 9),   2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 12),  2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 17),  1 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 17),  3 |]

write Orders as "/sample/orders.csv" with
  OrderDate = Orders.OrderDate
  Quantity = Orders.Quantity

The above script creates a file named orders.csv, and it only needs to be run once.

Now, let’s consider the following script, which displays the aggregated daily quantities as read from the orders:

read "/sample/orders.csv" as Orders with
  OrderDate : date
  Quantity : number

show table "Daily Orders" a1b5 with
  group by Orders.OrderDate

As expected, the table puts on display all the dates that originally appear in the orders.csv file. However, the dates that were absent from the original entries, such as January 4th, 2021, are missing and appear as gaps in the table.

Yet, from a time-series perspective, it would be of high interest to “fill in” those gaps, in order to display a contiguous list of dates from January 2nd to January 17th. The special table Day and its primary dimension date support this undertaking:

read "/sample/orders.csv" as Orders expect [date] with
  "OrderDate" as Date : date
  Quantity : number

show table "Daily Orders" a1b8 with
  group by date

In the above script, the table displays all the dates from January 2nd to January 17th, including those that do not appear in the orders.csv file. When writing expect [date], the construct [date] refers to the implicitly defined Day table, which happens to have a primary dimension named date. This primary dimension also happens to have the date data type.

The involvement of the Day table can be made more explicit. The following script is strictly equivalent to previous one:

read "/sample/orders.csv" as Orders expect [date] with
  "OrderDate" as Date : date
  Quantity : number

Day.Quantity = sum(Orders.Quantity)

show table "Daily Orders" a1b8 with

In the above script, the variable Day.Quantity is a vector that contains the daily quantities. The aggregation from the table Orders to the table Day is possible, because date is the primary dimension of the table Day and because the table Orders declares date as one of its own dimensions.

The need for a dense (i.e. non-sparse) time dimension becomes more obvious when opting for a line chart display, as illustrated by:

read "/sample/orders.csv" as Orders expect [date] with
  "OrderDate" as Date : date
  Quantity : number

Day.Quantity = sum(Orders.Quantity)

show linechart "Daily Orders" a1c2 {seriesType: "stack"} with 

The above script displays the line chart of the daily order quantities. The expression {seriesType: "stack"} is a StyleCode fragment that controls the display of the linechart. This topic will be revisited in greater detail in a later section.

Performing a weekly aggregation instead of a daily one is straightforward, as illustrated by:

read "/sample/orders.csv" as Orders expect [date] with // setup the tables 'Day', 'Week' and 'Month'
  "OrderDate" as Date : date
  Quantity : number

Week.Quantity = sum(Orders.Quantity)

show linechart "Weekly Orders" a1c2 {seriesType: "line"} with

The linechart tile has a native affinity to the three calendar tables Day, Week and Month. This tile cannot display data that originates from other tables. We will be revisiting below in greater detail the line charts’ behavior.

Meanwhile, let’s do a brief recap of the calendar tables:

Table Dimension Data type
Day date date
Week week week
Month month month

The same word, e.g. month, refers to distinct constructs in the Envision language.

The calendar tables cannot be defined with the usual table T = with .. syntax. Indeed, this would lead to situations where Day is defined with a non-contiguous list of date values causing strange behavior for the programmer. Thus, those calendar tables can only be defined either through a read block featuring expert [date] (as seen above), with with an unfiltering statement (as detailed below).

At this point, there are still a few Envision behaviors that we haven’t covered in regards to the examples introduced in this section. These behaviors will be gradually clarified in the subsections that follow.

Unfiltering with ‘span’

Unfiltering is a mechanism introduced by Envision to “densify” the calendar dimensions. This mechanism does the opposite of filtering: it adds elements to the table of interest. Unfiltering is usually performed implicitly via read statements. However, unfiltering can be performed explicitly with the keyword span. Understanding unfiltering facilitates the understanding of some of the read behaviors, which are covered in the next section.

Let’s introduce a script with a span block:

table Orders = with
  [| as OrderDate, as Quantity |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 2),   1 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 3),   2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 5),   2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 5),   1 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 9),   2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 12),  2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 17),  2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 17),  1 |]

span date = [min(Orders.OrderDate) .. max(Orders.OrderDate)] // setup the tables 'Day', 'Week' and 'Month'
  expect = Orders.OrderDate
  Day.Quantity = sum(Orders.Quantity)
  show linechart "Daily Orders" a1c2 {seriesType: "stack"} with 

In the above script, the span keyword unfilters the date dimension over a segment that exactly matches the dates found in the Orders table. The expect keyword binds the date dimension to the Orders table. Through this binding, the entries in the Orders table are aggregated into the Day table. Finally, a linechart tile displays the resulting time-series.

When a span block is introduced, the tables Day, Week and Month get implicitly created along with their respective primary dimensions date, week and month.

The keyword span introduces a block marked by an extra level of indentation. The unfilter ends when the block is exited. This syntax is aligned with the where blocks, which are used to filter tables. The extra level of indentation can be avoided through the keyword keep. Once again, the syntax of span is aligned with one of the where keywords. The above script can be rewritten as:

table Orders = with
  [| as OrderDate, as Quantity |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 2),   1 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 3),   2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 5),   2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 5),   1 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 9),   2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 12),  2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 17),  2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 17),  1 |]

keep span date = [min(Orders.OrderDate) .. max(Orders.OrderDate)]
expect = Orders.OrderDate
Day.Quantity = sum(Orders.Quantity)
show linechart "Daily Orders" a1c2 {seriesType: "stack"} with 

The expect statement guarantees that all the values found in Orders.OrderDate also exist in the Day table. If a value happens to be missing, then the execution fails, as illustrated by:

table Orders = with
  [| as OrderDate, as Quantity |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 2),   1 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 3),   2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 5),   2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 5),   1 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 9),   2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 12),  2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 17),  2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 17),  1 |]

span date = [min(Orders.OrderDate) .. date(2021, 1, 16)]
  expect = Orders.OrderDate
  Day.Quantity = sum(Orders.Quantity)
  show linechart "Daily Orders" a1c2 {seriesType: "stack"} with 

This above script fails with the error message Key 2021-01-17 not found in dimension 'date'. as the expect statement is violated.

It is possible to rewrite the above script without the expect keyword. However, in this case, the aggregation requires explicit by at arguments as illustrated by:

table Orders = with
  [| as OrderDate, as Quantity |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 2),   1 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 3),   2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 5),   2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 5),   1 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 9),   2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 12),  2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 17),  2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 17),  1 |]

span date = [min(Orders.OrderDate) .. max(Orders.OrderDate)]
  Day.Quantity = sum(Orders.Quantity) by Orders.OrderDate at date
  show linechart "Daily Orders" a1c2 {seriesType: "stack"} with 

However, the by at behavior is not strictly identical to the one provided by the expect statement. In particular, with the by at aggregation, lines in the Orders table can be silently dropped, as illustrated by:

table Orders = with
  [| as OrderDate, as Quantity |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 2),   1 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 3),   2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 5),   2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 5),   1 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 9),   2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 12),  2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 17),  2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 17),  1 |]

span date = [min(Orders.OrderDate) .. date(2021,1,16)]
  Day.Quantity = sum(Orders.Quantity) by Orders.OrderDate at date
  show linechart "Daily Orders" a1c2 {seriesType: "stack"} with 

In the above script, the last two lines of the Orders tables are not part of the aggregation that defines Day.Quantity, but the script succeeds nonetheless.

Nevertheless, if filtering the Orders table is the intended behavior when binding it to the Day table, then it’s better to use a filtered dimension assignment as illustrated by:

table Orders = with
  [| as OrderDate, as Quantity |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 2),   1 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 3),   2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 5),   2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 5),   1 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 9),   2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 12),  2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 17),  2 |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 17),  1 |]

span date = [min(Orders.OrderDate) .. date(2021,1,16)]
  where = Orders.OrderDate
    Day.Quantity = sum(Orders.Quantity)
    show linechart "Daily Orders" a1c2 {seriesType: "stack"} with 

Advanced remark: Unfiltering happens implicitly in Envision when exiting every filtered scope introduced by the keyword where. At the point of exit, filtered elements are added back to their respective tables. Conceptually, the table Day (or Week, or Month) can be seen as a “complete” table that contains all the calendar elements from 2001 to 2180. This table is initially entirely filtered out, and cannot be used in the script until it gets unfiltered either via a read statement or via a span statement.

‘read’ and auto-unfiltering

The read statement comes with calendar-specific behaviors whenever a column named date is present. These behaviors are syntactic sugars that reduce the amount of code boilerplate that would otherwise have to be added to achieve the same effect. Let’s consider:

read "/sample/orders.csv" as Orders with // no calendar table's setup as there is no 'expect [date]'
  OrderDate : date
  Quantity : number

keep span date = [min(Orders.OrderDate) .. max(Orders.OrderDate)]
keep where = Orders.OrderDate

show linechart "Daily Orders" a1c2 {seriesType: "stack"} with 
  group into Day

In the above script, the two lines keep span and keep where represent the “boilerplate”, which enables the aggregation from Orders into Day, which happens within the declaration of the linechart.

However, renaming OrderDate into Date triggers the calendar-specific behaviors and removes the need for those two lines. The following script is strictly identical to the previous one:

read "/sample/orders.csv" as Orders expect [date] with
  "OrderDate" as Date : date
  Quantity : number

show linechart "Daily Orders" a1c2 {seriesType: "stack"} with 
  group into Day

In the above script, the read block includes a declaration of date as a table dimension, and a corresponding renaming of OrderDate as Date. The unfiltering and the dimension bidding happen implicitly.

If multiple tables are read with Date columns, then unfiltering covers a segment ranging from the earliest date to the latest, as observed across all the Date columns.

Auto-unfiltering is handy, but can also inadvertently mask data problems, such as entries too far in the past or too far into the future. The table sizes can be used to mitigate this problem, as illustrated by:

read "/sample/orders.csv" as Orders expect [date] with
  "OrderDate" as Date : date
  Quantity : number

expect table Day max 100 // 'Day' is capped to 100 lines

show linechart "Daily Orders" a1c2 {seriesType: "stack"} with 
  group into Day

In the above script, the keyword expect enforces a size limit at 100 on the table Day. The script fails at runtime if entries found in the orders.csv file span over a period greater than 100 days.

There are few supply chain situations that really call for more than 2500 days - i.e. a bit more than 6 years. Thus, it is considered a good practice to limit, on purpose, the size of the Day table. Surprisingly old data (conversely future data) is usually a sign of an earlier data preparation problem that needs to be addressed.

Filtering calendar tables

Calendar tables are dependent on one another. Hence, filtering one calendar table impacts the other calendar tables. This behavior is illustrated by:

keep span date = [date(2021, 1, 1) .. date(2021, 3, 31)]

where month >= month(date(2021, 2, 1))
  show table "Days" a1b6 with date    // 'Feb 1, 2021' to 'Mar 31, 2021' (inclusive)
  show table "Weeks" c1d6 with week   // '2021-W05' to '2021-W13' (inclusive)
  show table "Months" e1f6 with month // '2021-02' to '2021-03' (inclusive)

In the above script, the filter is applied on month, the primary dimension of the table Month. Yet, the table display indicates that the primary dimension week of table Week has been filtered out with the values 2021-W01 to 2021-W04; idem, for date and Day.

The two tables Week and Month depend on the table Day. When Month is filtered, then the corresponding Day lines are filtered to. In turn, if there is not a single Day line matching a given Month line, then this line gets filtered out as well.

Calendar cross tables

Concurrent time-series are of prime interest. Envision approaches those series through the angle of the cross tables, which represent a Cartesian product between a calendar table and another table. The following script builds a mock set of time-series, and puts them on display via Envision’s slicing mechanic:

table Products[product] = with
  [| as Product, as Factor |]
  [| "cap",      1         |]
  [| "pant",     2         |]
  [| "shirt",    4         |]

keep span date = [date(2021, 1, 1) .. date(2021, 3, 31)]

table P = cross(Products, Day)

// Made-up quantities varying per product and per date
P.Quantity = (date - date(2021, 1, 1)) * Products.Factor

table Slices[slice] = slice by product title: Products.Product
P.slice = Products.slice

show linechart "Sliced" a1d6 slices: P.slice with sum(P.Quantity)

In the above script, the table P is defined as a cross table between Products and Day. This table is, in essence, the layout of the concurrent time-series. The variable P.Quantity varies by product and by date. The expression used for P.Quantity makes little sense business-wise, it boils down to an illustration of the syntax that combines lines from Day and lines from Products. Finally, the slice dimension is introduced and injected into the linechart time.

The operations on a (calendar) cross table follow the usual principles of Envision, applying the same operations over multiple lines at once. However, the workload for the Envision runtime is strictly proportional to the size of the calendar table. For example, a cross table between 1 million SKUs and 2,000 days yields 2 billion lines. As a rule of thumb, when dealing with large cross tables, it is appropriate to try to filter the dates to avoid needless processing.

Lag operator

The operation of shifting the data time-wise is referred to as “lagging”. Lagging is of high interest for situations that involve delays to be modelled. Envision has a built-in lag operator. In order to introduce to this operator, let’s revisit the lookup operator in the context of the calendar tables:

table Orders = with
  [| as OrderDate,      as Quantity |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 3),  7           |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 11), 5           |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 12), 4           |]

keep span date = [date(2021, 1, 1) .. date(2021, 2, 1)]
keep where = Orders.OrderDate

Day.Quantity = sum(Orders.Quantity)

show summary "Lookups" a1c1 with 
  Day.Quantity[date(2021, 1, 10)] as "Jan 10th" // '0'
  Day.Quantity[date(2021, 1, 11)] as "Jan 11th" // '5'
  Day.Quantity[date(2021, 1, 12)] as "Jan 12th" // '4'

In the above script, the Day.Quantity[..] expression represents lookup operations. The lookup takes a value found in the dimension as argument, and returns the matching value in the vector.

Now, let’s consider a situation where we would like to shift those quantities from +1 day into the future, i.e. shifting Day.Quantity to the right. This can be achieved with the lag operator:

table Orders = with
  [| as OrderDate,      as Quantity |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 3),  7           |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 11), 5           |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 12), 4           |]

keep span date = [date(2021, 1, 1) .. date(2021, 2, 1)]
keep where = Orders.OrderDate

Day.Quantity = sum(Orders.Quantity)
Day.Shifted = Day.Quantity[-1] // shift to the right

show summary "Lookups" a1c2 with 
  Day.Shifted[date(2021, 1, 10)] as "Jan 10th" // '0'
  Day.Shifted[date(2021, 1, 11)] as "Jan 11th" // '0'
  Day.Shifted[date(2021, 1, 12)] as "Jan 12th" // '5'

In the above script, Day.Quantity[-1] represents the lag operation applied to the right of 1 day. If Day.Quantity[1] has been written, the shift would have been applied to the left of 1 day.

The amount of lag is expressed by the periodic unit implicitly attached to the calendar table. For example, Week.Quantity[-1] would have represented a shift to the right of 1 week.

The syntax of the lag operator is similar to that of the lookup, as brackets are used in both situations. However, the type of argument differs. In the case of the lookup, the type is aligned with the primary dimension of the table, i.e. date, week and month. In the case of the lag, the type of argument is a scalar number.

Over aggregation

Beyond the lag, it’s frequently useful to perform calculations over a rolling time window. For example, the moving average forecast is one of the simplest use cases of the “rolling window” perspective. Envision provides built-in support for those operations with the over aggregation. Let’s consider a 7-day rolling average:

table Orders = with
  [| as OrderDate,      as Quantity |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 2),  1           |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 4),  1           |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 12), 1           |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 21), 1           |]

keep span date = [date(2021, 1, 1) .. date(2021, 1, 28)]
keep where = Orders.OrderDate

Day.Quantity = sum(Orders.Quantity)
Day.MovingAverage = avg(Day.Quantity) over [-6 .. 0]

show linechart "Series" a1d3 with
  Day.MovingAverage { color: red }

In the above script, Day.MovingAverage represents the average order quantity observed over the last 7 days (present day included). The start and end of the rolling window follow immediately the over keyword, i.e. -6 and 0 respectively. Finally, the two series are plotted via a linechart tile.

The rolling window expects integers, and the semantics of these integer arguments is aligned with the semantic of the lag operation, as introduced in the previous section.

The logic can be modified to perform a 7-day average excluding the last day with:

table Orders = with
  [| as OrderDate,      as Quantity |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 2),  1           |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 4),  1           |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 12), 1           |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 21), 1           |]

keep span date = [date(2021, 1, 1) .. date(2021, 1, 28)]
keep where = Orders.OrderDate

Day.Quantity = sum(Orders.Quantity)
Day.MovingAverage = avg(Day.Quantity) over [-7 .. -1]

show linechart "Series" a1d3 with
  Day.MovingAverage { color: red }

It is also possible to omit one of the two boundaries:

table Orders = with
  [| as OrderDate,      as Quantity |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 2),  1           |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 4),  1           |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 12), 1           |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 21), 1           |]

keep span date = [date(2021, 1, 1) .. date(2021, 1, 28)]
keep where = Orders.OrderDate

Day.Quantity = sum(Orders.Quantity)
Day.MovingAverage = avg(Day.Quantity) over [.. 0]

show linechart "Series" a1d3 with
  Day.MovingAverage { color: red }

In the above script, [.. 0] indicates that the rolling window iteratively expands to contain all the past, plus the present day as well.

The over does not have to be done from the Day table into itself. It can also be done from any table that has a calendar dimension. The following example illustrates the calculation of latest quantity:

table Orders = with
  [| as OrderDate,      as Quantity |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 2),  1           |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 4),  2           |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 12), 1           |]
  [| date(2021, 1, 21), 1           |]

keep span date = [date(2021, 1, 1) .. date(2021, 1, 28)]
keep where = Orders.OrderDate

Day.Quantity = sum(Orders.Quantity)
Day.Latest = last(Orders.Quantity) over [.. 0]

show linechart "Series" a1d3 with
  Day.Latest { color: red }

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