Path schemas

A path schema binds one or several files to a list of typed fields. Schemas are used for reading tables from files or writing tables to files, without having to repeat the list of field names every time, and avoiding typos to creep-in in the file paths themselves.

Table of contents

Schema overview

Schemas are intended as a means to stabilize and document the format of the tabular files either written or read by Envision scripts. Schemas help to avoid entire classes of programming mistakes rooted in the file-based interactions between scripts. For example, changing the name of a field in an output file can inadvertently break another script, executed downstream, as an expected field isn’t going to be found anymore. Moreover, if the same file is read in multiple scripts, then the use of a schema can significantly reduce the verbosity of those scripts.

Let’s introduce our first schema, and use it to produce a more concise write statement:

schema '/sample/products.csv' with
  Product : text
  Color : text
  Price : number

table Products = with
  [| as Product, as Color, as Price |]
  [| "shirt", "white,grey", 10.50 |]
  [| "pants", "blue", 15.00 |]
  [| "hat", "red", 5.25 |]

write Products as '/sample/products.csv'

In the above script, the schema '/sample/products.csv' is defined with three named and typed fields. The schema definition is introduced by the keyword schema followed by a path literal (not to be confused with a text literal). The write statement refers to the schema identified through its path, and thus, omits the fields entirely.

The schema can also be used on the read-side:

schema '/sample/products.csv' with
  Product : text
  Color : text
  Price : number

read '/sample/products.csv' as Products

show table "My Products" a1b3 with

In the above script, the read statement also refers to the schema identified through its path. This allows, again, to omit the fields entirely.

Field documentation

The fields introduced by a schema can be documented. This documentation becomes available by hovering over the vectors in the scripts that use the schema.

schema '/sample/products.csv' with
  /// The product identifier.
  Product : text
  /// The 3-letter color code.
  Color : text
  // The VAT-included unit price.
  Price : number

In the above script, the comments introduced by /// are situated above the line that contains the field declaration that each comment is referring to.

Field renaming

Field’s names, as found in files, may not be compatible with Envision’s variable names. For example, the name may include a whitespace. Envision provides a mechanism to rename a field.

schema '/sample/products.csv' with
  Product : text
  Color : text
  Price : number
  VAT : number = read("value added tax") // renaming the field

table Products = with
  [| as Product, as Color, as Price, as VAT |]
  [| "shirt", "white,grey", 10.50, 0.2 |]
  [| "pants", "blue", 15.00, 0.2 |]
  [| "hat", "red", 5.25, 0.2 |]
write Products as '/sample/products.csv'

In the above script, the VAT field is introduced with an assignment read("value added tax") that renames the field originally named value added tax as VAT. Thus, the CSV file produced through the write statement below contains a fourth column named value added tax.

A file written with a schema can be read with the same schema.

schema '/sample/products.csv' with
  Product : text
  Color : text
  Price : number
  VAT : number = read("value added tax") // renaming the field

read '/sample/products.csv' as Products

show table "My Products" a1d3 with

In the above script, the read statement finds a column named value added tax in the CSV file. This column gets attached to the VAT field.

The field renaming mechanism is the canonical example of a field rebinding that happens symmetrically on the write side and on the read side.

Field rebinding is typically intended to cope with field names that are not compatible with the variable naming rules of Envision, but it can also facilitate refactoring operations, removing the need to immediately rewrite the files when the corresponding variable names are changed.

Field rebinding on write

When writing against a path schema, all the fields specified by the schema are expected to found among the vectors of the table. The mechanism where each schema field gets attached to its counterpart vector is refered to as binding. However, sometimes the vectors present in the table may not exactly match the expectations of the schema. Thus, Envision offers a mechanism to rebind, within the write block the fields to newly introduced vectors.

schema '/sample/products.csv' with
  Product : text
  Color : text
  Size : text
  Price : number

table Products = with                  // 'Size' is missing
  [| as Product, as Color, as Price |]
  [| "shirt", "white,grey", 10.50 |]
  [| "pants", "blue", 15.00 |]
  [| "hat", "red", 5.25 |]

write Products as '/sample/products.csv' with
  Size = "XL"                          // Completing 'Size'
  Color = uppercase(Products.Color)    // Redefining 'Color'

In the above script, the write block interferes with the binding of two fields. First, the field Size, that does not have a counterpart in the table Products is assigned a constant text value "XL". Second, Color that has a counterpart gets a new one via uppercase(Products.Color).

Field rebinding is a syntactic sugar. This mechanism can alleviate or postpone the need for extensive refactoring of existing scripts when schemas themselves evolve.

Advance remark: There is no isolated rebinding on read because the path schema precisely hint that the files at the specified path follows the structure as specified by the path schema. On the contrary, the named schema, detailed later, offers an isolated rebinding on read, as the named schema isn’t coupled with specific files.

Path literals

The path is a special datatype that identifies a file or a list of files inside the Lokad filesystem, and also identifies a schema - as illustrated in the previous section. Path literals should not be confused with text literals.

const myPath = '/foo.csv' // single-quote delimiters
const MyText = "/foo.csv" // double-quote delimiters

For display purposes, path values are automatically converted to text values:

const myPath = '/foo.csv'
show scalar "" a1 with myPath

Path prefixing

Paths support a limited set of operations. Paths prefixing is one of those operations. It offers the possibility to isolate a prefix folder from the rest of the path.

schema '/sample/products.csv' with
  Product : text
  Color : text
  Price : number

const myFolder = '/sample'

read '\{myFolder}/products.csv' as Products

show table "My Products" a1b3 with

write Products as '\{myFolder}/products.csv'

In the above script, the variable myFolder defines a prefix folder. This variable is used in the read and write blocks that follows using the \{..} inclusion operator.

Beware, the path prefixing operator \{..} should not be confused with text interpolation. The operator must be positioned at the beginning of the path.

Path schema cloning

When working over a draft version of a script, or when working over the next version of a data pipeline, it can be useful to relocate the files being written and read to avoid interfering with the production. Path schema cloning is a mechanism that facilitates such a relocation of files by introducing a schema that only points to a distinct location.

read '/sample/products.csv' as Products max 1000 // 'read' comes first, cap at 1000 lines

schema '/production/products.csv' with
  Product : text
  Color : text
  Price : number

schema '/sample/products.csv' = '/production/products.csv' // clone one

show table "My Products" a1b3 with

In the above script, the first schema points to the /production folder, which we want to avoid. Thus, a second schema, clone of the first, is introduced at line 6. At line 10, the read block refers to the second schema.

In practice, path schema cloning becomes relevant when the schema itself is isolated into a module and shared between the two environments. The cloning operation allows to preverve the original schema, while changing the path.

Cloning can also be performed over all the schemas sharing the same prefix.

read '/sample/products.csv' as Products max 1000 // 'read' comes first, cap at 1000 lines

schema '/production/products.csv' with
  Product : text
  Color : text
  Price : number

schema '/sample' = '/production' // clone all starting with /production

show table "My Products" a1b3 with

In the above script, cloning statement at line 6 refers all the schemas that match the specified path prefix.

This mechanism facilitates the setup of a second flow, typically a “development” flow, beside the “production” one. It minimizes the amount of changes in the Envision code to prevent the secondary flow from interfering with the primary one.

Parameterized paths

The data of a table can be partitioned into multiple files. Partitioning is primarily intended for scalability purposes. It can be used to reduce bandwidth, by filtering the files themselves through the partition. A parameterized path refers to a list of files - not just a single file - produced through a partitioned write. The parameterized path is used to re-consolidate data originating from multiple files into a single table.

Let’s start with a script that partitions a table into multiple files.

schema '/sample/products-\{Bucket}.csv' with
  Bucket : number
  Product : text
  Color : text
  Price : number

table Products = with
  [| as Product, as Color, as Price, as Bucket |]
  [| "shirt",    "white,grey", 10.50,       1 |]
  [| "pants",    "blue",       15.00,       2 |]
  [| "hat",      "red",         5.25,       3 |]
  [| "hat",      "blue",        5.25,       3 |]

write Products partitioned as '/sample/products-\{..}.csv'

In the above script, a schema with a variable named Bucket is introduced. This variable has the number datatype. The write block refers to the schema, replacing the Bucket variable by a selector, here .. that means capture all numbers. The keyword partitioned indicates that multiple files may be produced by the write block. Indeed, this write block produces 3 files respectively named /sample/products-1.csv, /sample/products-2.csv and /sample/products-3.csv.

The variable Bucket is a path parameter of the path schema.

The files of the partition can, in turn, be read using the same schema.

schema '/sample/products-\{Bucket}.csv' with
  Bucket : number
  Product : text
  Color : text
  Price : number

read '/sample/products-\{..}.csv' as Products

show table "My Products" a1d4 with

In the above script, the read block refers to the schema introduced line 1. The Bucket value is found both in the file name, and within the file itself.

The acceptable datatypes for path parameters are: text, number, date, week, month. A single path can include multiple path parameters as long as they are delimited by a separator.

Parameterized paths are to write partitions through write .. partitioned statements, and read them afterward. This mechanism is intended to support internal processing steps within an Envision data flow. This mechanism is not intended to consolidate raw multi-file extractions as obtained from a third-party business system.

Two path schemas cannot capture the same file, as this situation is treated by the Envision compiler as an error. This behavior is guaranteed even if parameterized paths are present. If there exist a combination of path parameter values that create a collision between two path schemas, then the script does not compile.

Path capture and file deletion

All the files captured by the parameterized path get overwritten when writing over the path schema. This point is a subtle but important aspect of the partitioned write.

Let’s revisit the first script of the previous section. Let’s assume that the 3 files respectively named /sample/products-1.csv, /sample/products-2.csv and /sample/products-3.csv exist in the file system.

schema '/sample/products-\{Bucket}.csv' with
  Bucket : number
  Product : text
  Color : text
  Price : number

table Products = with
  [| as Product, as Color, as Price, as Bucket |]
  [| "shirt",    "white,grey", 10.50,       1 |]
  [| "pants",    "blue",       15.00,       2 |]

write Products partitioned as '/sample/products-\{..}.csv'

The above script overwrites /sample/products-1.csv and /sample/products-2.csv, but it deletes the file /sample/products-3.csv.

Indeed, the write operation with a parameterized path works as follow:

The behavior ensures the symmetry between the write and the read operations. If files, captured by the parameterized path, were left untouched (for example /sample/products-3.csv), then the read operation would yield a table that would not be line-wise identical to the table that originally fed to the write operation.

Bounded paths

The list of files captured by the parameterized path can be constrained through path bounds. Let’s revisit the script example of the previous section. Let’s assume again that the 3 files respectively named /sample/products-1.csv, /sample/products-2.csv and /sample/products-3.csv exist in the file system.

schema '/sample/products-\{Bucket}.csv' with
  Bucket : number
  Product : text
  Color : text
  Price : number

table Products = with
  [| as Product, as Color, as Price, as Bucket |]
  [| "shirt",    "white,grey", 10.50,       1 |]
  [| "pants",    "blue",       15.00,       2 |]

const lowerIncl = 1  // inclusive lower bound
const higherIncl = 2 // inclusive higher bound
write Products partitioned as '/sample/products-\{lowerIncl..higherIncl}.csv'

The above script overwrites /sample/products-1.csv and /sample/products-2.csv, but it leaves untouched the file /sample/products-3.csv. The constant value variables lowerIncl and higherIncl act as inclusive lower and higher bounds respectively. Indeed, as those bounds are present, the file /sample/products-3.csv is not captured by the pattern, and hence, not overwritten.

The bounds must be compile-time constants. However, the bounds are optional, thus, '/sample/products-\{lowerIncl..}.csv' and '/sample/products-\{..higherIncl}.csv' would also be valid bounded paths. Conversely, the path '/sample/products-\{..}.csv' is unbounded (and valid as well).

The bounded path syntax applies to the read side as well.

schema '/sample/products-\{Bucket}.csv' with
  Bucket : number
  Product : text
  Color : text
  Price : number

const lowerIncl = 1
const higherIncl = 2
read '/sample/products-\{lowerIncl..higherIncl}.csv' as Products

show table "My Products" a1d4 with

In the above script, only the files /sample/products-1.csv and /sample/products-2.csv get read. The content of the file /sample/products-3.csv is never touched, as the file gets filtered by the bounded path itself.

In practice, bounded paths are the mechanism which deliver I/O gains. The partitioned writes simply ensure the correctness of the partition while considering repated write operations performed by a flow that produces files “in place” on a schedule.

Table size constraint on schema

Table size limits are used in two ways in Envision. First, those limits unlock certain features that can’t operate over arbitrarily large vectors. Second, it avoid accidental performance issues when processing tables are vastly larger than what was expected at the time the script was written.

The declaration of a schema can include a cap on the number of lines of the resulting table.

schema '/sample/products.csv' max 10 with
  Product : text
  Color : text
  Price : number

In the above script, the max keyword is followed by the inclusive maximal number of lines to be associated with the path schema. At runtime, if a script attempts to write or read more than 10 lines while the write or read block are bound to this path schema, then, execution will fail.

Enum downcast of a text field

Enums may provide an increased performance, especially if the cardinality of the field is low (i..e less than 10,000 distinct values). Envision provides a mechanism to downcast a field originally declared as text in its schema into an enum.

schema '/sample/products.csv' with
  Product : text
  Color : text
  Price : number

read '/sample/products.csv' as Products with
  Color : table enum Colors

show table "My Products" a1b3 with

In the above script, Color is declared as a text field in the schema block. The downcast toward an enum happens in the read block below.

This feature can be combined with the declaration a primary dimension for the enum itself, and the declaration of secondary dimension for the table associated to the path schema.

schema '/sample/products.csv' with
  Product : text
  Color : text
  Price : number

read '/sample/products.csv' as Products expect [color] with
  Color : table enum Colors[color]

show table "My Products" a1b3 with

In the above script, inside the read block, the enum Colors gets color as its primary dimension. This dimension is set as a secondary dimension of the table Products through expect [color] on the first line of the read block.

Field aliasing on read

A schema may introduce a field that ends up creating a naming conflict in a script. To mitigate those situations, Envision offers the possibility to alias a field within a read block.

read '/sample/products.csv' as Products max 1000 with // 'read' comes first, cap at 1000 lines
  ColorAlias = Products.Color

schema '/sample/products.csv' with
  Product : text
  Color : text
  Price : number

show table "My Products" a1b3 with

In the above script, ColorAlias is introduced within the read block as an alias (same datatype, different name) of the original Color field.

In order to understand while aliasing can be used to mitigate an actual name conflict, let’s introduce a slightly more complex example.

schema '/T.csv' with
  Id : text

read "/U.csv" as U[Id] with 
  Id : text                  // 'Id' collides with the schema

read '/T.csv' as T[Ref] with 
  Ref = T.Id                 // Aliasing on read 'Id' as 'Ref'
  X : number = 2

show table "T" a1b2 with

In the above script, a path schema is introduced with a field named Id. Below, a first read block introduces another table - independent from the path schema - that “accidentally” happens to have Id as its primary dimension. In the second read block, the Id field - which would have conflicted with the dimension named Id is aliased as Ref. This alias serves as the primary dimension of the table T[Ref].

Modules and path schemas

In practice, the path schema is intended to be isolated into a module, in order to avoid duplicating the schema block between the two distinct scripts respectively handling the write operation and the read operation.

The path schema must be marked as export in the module:

// Module named '/sample/my-module'
export schema '/sample/products.csv' with
  Product : text
  Color : text
  Price : number

Once the module is imported, the path of the read block gets matched with the path schema found in the module.

import "/sample/my-module" as M
read '/sample/products.csv' as Products
show table "My Products" a1b3 with
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