comparison operators

The operators listed below are available for all data types unless specified otherwise.

(‘a == ‘a) 🡒 boolean, const autodiff

Returns true in case of equality.

Text values are compared by Unicode code unit.

show summary "" a1c4 with
  true == false as "on boolean"
  1 == 2 as "on number"
  "Hello" == "hello" as "on text"
  date(2019,7,1) == date(2019,1,7) as "on date"

(‘a < ‘a) 🡒 boolean, const autodiff

Returns true is the first value is strictly lower than the second one.

Ordering is not available for the ranvar and zedfunc types.

Text values are sorted in alphabetical order, specifically, by Unicode code points.

show summary "" a1c4 with
  1 < 2 as "on number"
  "Hello" < "hello" as "on text"
  date(2019,7,1) < date(2019,1,7) as "on date"

(‘a != ‘a) 🡒 boolean, const autodiff

The expression a != b is the same as not (a == b).

show summary "" a1c4 with
  true != false as "on boolean"
  1 != 2 as "on number"
  "Hello" != "hello" as "on text"
  date(2019,7,1) != date(2019,1,7) as "on date"

(‘a > ‘a) 🡒 boolean, const autodiff

The expression a > b is defined as not (a < b) and a != b.

show summary "" a1c4 with
  1 > 2 as "on number"
  "Hello" > "hello" as "on text"
  date(2019,7,1) > date(2019,1,7) as "on date"

(‘a <= ‘a) 🡒 boolean, const autodiff

The expression a <= b is defined as (a < b) or a == b.

show summary "" a1c4 with
  1 <= 2 as "on number"
  "Hello" <= "hello" as "on text"
  date(2019,7,1) <= date(2019,1,7) as "on date"

(‘a >= ‘a) 🡒 boolean, const autodiff

The expression a >= b is defined as not (a < b).

show summary "" a1c4 with
  1 >= 2 as "on number"
  "Hello" >= "hello" as "on text"
  date(2019,7,1) >= date(2019,1,7) as "on date"
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