\{} interpol operator

\{ }, text interpolation operator

The text interpolation operator \{..} is used to insert variable values (converted as text) into a text value. This operator also serves for text concatenation.

a = 1
b = true
d = date(2024, 1, 31)

show scalar "" with "\{a}" // 1
show scalar "" with "\{b}" // true
show scalar "" with "\{d}" // 2024-01-31
show scalar "" with "\{a}\{b} // 1true, concatenatiion.

Beware: do not forget the \, it’s \{..}.

The text interpolation only works for variables. Interpolating over expressions or over literals is not supported.

The number values benefit from extra formatting options "\{myNumber:000.00}". The number format is specified by the token found after the semi-colon.

The date values benefit from extra formatting options "\{myDate:yyyy-MM-dd}". The date format is specified by the token found after the semi-colon.

a = 12.3
d = date(2024, 1, 31)

show scalar "" with "\{a:000.00}" // 012.30
show scalar "" with "\{d:MMM dd, yyyy}" // Jan 31, 2024
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