
Day, special calendar table

The table Day is a special calendar table. This table can only be created with expect [date] in a read block, or by an unfiltering statement with span date =. When introduced, the Day table always has date as its primary dimension (of type date too).

With span:

span date = [date(2024, 1, 1) .. date(2024, 2, 28)]
  // 2-space of indent, we are within the 'span' block
  Day.X = random.uniform(1 into Day, 10 into Day)
  show linechart "Daily" with Day.X

Or alternatively:

keep span date = [date(2024, 1, 1) .. date(2024, 2, 28)]
// no indent, as 'keep' is used
Day.X = random.uniform(1 into Day, 10 into Day)
show linechart "Daily" with Day.X

A read block can also be used to introduce the Day table:

read "/sales.csv" as Sales expect [date] with // implicitely creates 'Day'
  "DateOfSales" as date : date // re-map the column originally named 'DateOfSales' to 'date'
  Qty : number

Day.Qty = sum(Sales.Qty) // 'Sales' is downstream of 'Day'
show linechart "Daily" with Day.Qty

The Day table cannot be created via the usual means, such as table comprehensions for example.

The Week and Month tables are automatically created alongside Day.

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