
The keyword expect is used in Envision to indicate that a variable abides to a certain rule.

’expect table tbl max tblSize’, cap on table size

A cap on the size of a table can be enforced at runtime via the expect statement:

n = 500
table T = extend.range(n) // 'T.N' goes from 1 to 50 (inclusive)
expect table T max 100 // the line fails of 'n' is greater than 100
show table "" with T.N // Runtime error: Table 'T' has 500 lines, maximum was 100.

Capping the size of a table is frequently done to very distinct reasons in Envision.

’expect T.dim = U.other’, add a secondary dimension to a table

A secondary dimension cna be added at runtime to a table:

table T[id] = with // 'id' is the primary dimension of 'T'
  [| as id |]
  [| "id0" |]
  [| "id1" |]

table U = with
  [| as RefToId, as Variant |]
  [| "id0",      "black"    |]
  [| "id0",      "white"    |]
  [| "id1",      "black"    |]
  [| "id1",      "white"    |]
  [| "id1",      "green"    |]

// Add 'id' as a secondary dimension to table 'U'.
// This line would fail at runtime if there was a 'U.RefToId' value mismatching 'id'.
expect U.id = U.RefToId

show table "Counts the variants" with
  T.id as "Id"
  count(U.*) into T as "Count" // 'U' is upstream of 'T', thus 'U' can be aggregated into 'T'
// Id,Count
// id0,2
// id1,3

‘read path as tbl expect [dim] with’, add a secondary dimension via a read

A secondary dimension be declared while reading a table with expect. The dimension itself must appear first in another table.

read "/products.csv" as Products[Id] with // 'Id' is the primary dimension of 'Products'
  Id : text
  Name : text

read "/variants.csv" as Variants expect [Id] with // 'Id' is a secondary dimension of 'Variants'
  Id : text
  Color : text

At runtime, Envision will check that all the values Variants.Id are found in Products.Id. If an unknown identifiier is encountered in variants.csv, then the execution of the script will fail.

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