
format(d: date, pattern: text) 🡒 text, const pure function

The format function provides a small formatting framework intended to convert a date its text counterpart. The first argument is the date to be formatted. The second argument is the pattern, a sequence of specifiers used to specify the intended formatting.

d = date(2022, 9, 26)

show summary "Formats" a1a3 with
  format(d, "yyyy-MM-dd")  // 2022-09-26
  format(d, "M/dd/yy")     // 9/29/22
  format(d, "MMM d, yyyy") // Sept 26, 2022

The list of supported specifiers is given below.

Specifier Description Source Match
y The year from 0 to 99. 2019-06-05 19
y 2001-01-28 1
yy The year from 00 to 99. 2001-06-05 19
yy 2001-01-28 01
yyy Same as yyyy
yyyy The 4-digit year. 2019-06-05 2019
yyyy 2001-01-28 2001
M The month from 1 to 12. 2019-12-05 12
M 2001-01-28 1
MM The month from 01 to 12. 2019-12-05 12
MM 2001-01-28 01
MMM The abbreviated month. 2019-12-05 Dec
MMM 2001-01-28 Jan
MMMM The full-word month. 2019-12-05 December
MMMM 2001-01-28 January
d The day from 1 to 31. 2019-12-05 5
d 2001-01-28 28
dd The day from 01 to 31. 2019-12-05 05
dd 2001-01-28 28
ddd The abbreviated weekday. 2022-09-26 Mon
dddd The full-word weekday. 2022-09-26 Monday

Any other character, that isn’t listed as a specifier, is written to the formatted output.

Some characters are reserved for future use: w, v and \.

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