
stdevp(T.a : number) 🡒 number, aggregator

Returns the stand deviation on a population that is assumed to be entirely observed. The formula is given by:

$$s = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N \left(x_i - \bar{x}\right)^2 }$$

where $\textstyle{x_1,, x_2,, \ldots,, x_N}$ are the observed values of the sample items, $\bar{x}$ is the mean value of these observations, and $N$ is the number of observations in the sample.


table T = with
  [| as A, as B |]
  [| 0,   "a"   |]
  [| 0,   "a"   |]
  [| 0,   "b"   |]
  [| 1,   "b"   |]
  [| 2,   "c"   |]

table G[gdim] = by T.B

where T.B != "c"
  show table "" a1b4 with
    group by gdim

The aggregator returns 0 on empty groups.

See also

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