Tile syntax

The tiles represent the building blocks of Envision’s dashboards. Below, we detail the generic syntax of the tiles, how tiles can be used to write data to files, how descriptive metadata can be attached to those writes, and how to create the slices for a dashboard.

Table of contents

Syntax overview

The generic syntax for a tile is:

show table "my title" a1c2 tomato slices: SX {backgroundColor: "#fdad31"} with
  Items.Category as "My category"
  Items.Supplier as "My supplier"
  sum(Items.StockOnHand) as "Stock on hand"
  sum(Items.StockOnHand * BuyPrice) as "Stock value"
  group by [Items.Category,Items.Supplier]
  order by [Items.Category, sum(Items.StockOnHand * Items.BuyPrice)] desc

The elements that compose a tile are as follow:

The expressions passed as arguments after the with keyword are automatically aligned by Envision, in order to treat the input data as a table for the tile (not just for table tiles, but for all tiles). In order to set up the grouping and ordering of lines within this input table, an optional statement can be added at the end of the column list:

Both group by and order by are optional and support multiple arguments. In addition, order by supports multiple arguments with multiple directions, e.g.:

show table "my table" with
  order by [T.X desc, T.Y]

T.X desc would be automatically translated to -T.X, thus will work in case of numbers, yet, will fail for non-number expressions, such as text. T.X desc can be used for both, numbers and non-number expressions.

Envision also offers a concise inline syntax without line returns which is appropriate for simple tiles:

show table "my table" with T.X, T.Y, T.Z

Writing data

The show table tile can be written to a file using the write option:

show table "hello" a1c2 tomato write:"/foo2.tsv" with
  sum(Items.StockOnHand) as "Stock on Hand"
  sum(Items.StockOnHand * Items.BuyPrice) as "Stock Value" {unit: "$"}
  group by [Items.Category,Items.Supplier]
  order by [Items.Category, sum(Items.StockOnHand * Items.BuyPrice)] desc

Supported write formats are:

Two tiles may not write to the same file path. As an exception, they may write into the same Excel file, but not into the same sheet. All the spreadsheets within one Excel file will be alphabetically ordered.

It is also possible to write the tile data to several locations at once, using multiple write statements:

show table "hello" a1c2 tomato write:"/foo1.tsv" write:"/foo2.tsv" with
  sum(Items.StockOnHand) as "Stock on Hand"
  sum(Items.StockOnHand * Items.BuyPrice) as "Stock Value" {unit: "$"}
  group by [Items.Category,Items.Supplier]
  order by [Category, sum(Items.StockOnHand * Items.BuyPrice)] desc

Attaching meta descriptions to writes

When a file is produced through Envision, it is possible to attach descriptive metadata to this file and its columns. Those metadata are optional. Those descriptions are intended to facilitate later data manipulation of the file itself by making the descriptions accessible from the Envision code editor itself. Attaching those descriptions can be done with well placed /// triple-slash comment, as illustrated with:

/// Stock value summary table
show table "hello" a1c2 tomato write:"/foo1.tsv" write:"/foo2.tsv" with
  /// Stock on hand by category and supplier
  sum(Items.StockOnHand) as "StockQty"
  /// Stock on hand value by category and supplier
  sum(Items.StockOnHand * Items.BuyPrice) as "StockValue" {unit: "$"}
  group by [Items.Category,Items.Supplier]
  order by [Items.Category, sum(Items.StockOnHand * Items.BuyPrice)] desc

In the Envision code editor, when hovering a variable obtained through a read statement, an attempt is made to locate the originating write which produced the variable. If such originating write statement is found, the descriptive metadata is contextually displayed.

The displayed information is:

The first two details are available also for any new table, vector and scalar, that are created in that very script (ex. day.qty).

Dashboard slicing

Each dashboard is allowed to have a slice set. Slices are numbered internally from 0 to N-1. The identifier of a slice is represented by a special type called slice. To create the slices for a dashboard, create the Slices table anywhere in the script (but no more than once):

table Slices[slice] = slice by [Items.Category, Items.Sku] title: Items.Name

In this example, there will be one slice for each distinct value of the [Category, Sku] pair. The slice identifier assigned to each value is then inflated back into the original table (here, Items). Selecting a slice (on the dashboard user interface) consists in selecting its internal identifier by means of a form field, using auto-completion to narrow down possible choices until one can be picked. Auto-completion is based on searching through the display text of the slice, which is composed of:

table Slices[slice] = slice by [Items.Category, Items.Sku] \
  title: Items.Name subtitle: Items.Label

Some tiles can be sliced by introducing a slice vector (of the same table as the tile’s actual data) as the slices option, in which each slice will contain only the lines associated with it:

show table "Purchase Orders" slices: Slice with
  order by PO.Date

Slicing linechart tile

Slicing the linechart tile requires a group by argument to specify the date vector against which to plot. This can be done with:

table Slices[slice] = slice by id title: id subtitle: Items.Name
WeekItems.Ssice = Items.slice
WeekItems.monday = same(monday(date))

show linechart "Weekly Quantity Sold" slices: WeekItems.Slice with
  sum(WeekItems.QtySold) as "Qty Sold"
  group by WeekItems.monday

Notice how Items.slice is broadcast on WeekItems.slice.

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