
whichever(T.A : ‘a) 🡒 ‘a, aggregator

The aggregator returns one value for each group if the group is not empty.


table T = with
  [| as A, as B |]
  [| "hello", "a" |]
  [| "hello", "a" |]
  [| "hello", "b" |]
  [| "world", "b" |]
  [| "world", "c" |]

table G[gdim] = by T.B

where T.B != "c"
  show table "" a1b4 with
    group by gdim

When the group is empty, the default value for the data type is used.

The result of the whichever aggregator is deterministic - i.e. running the script twice over the same data yields the same result - but the ordering of the data cannot be relied upon. This aggregator is intended as a faster alternative to the use of first or last without introducing an ordering when it is not needed.

See also

whichever, table creation

The contextual keyword whichever modifies the by table creation statement. When the modifier whichever is present, the table creation discards all lines for every group except 1 line arbitrarily chosen. The vectors of the originating table are copied into the newly created table.

table T = with
  [| as Code, as X |]
  [| "FR",    1    |]
  [| "US",    2    |]
  [| "UK",    3    |]
  [| "FR",    4    |]

// The vector 'Country.X' is copied from 'T.X' due to 'whichever'
table Countries[c] = whichever by T.Code

// The line 'X == 4' is dropped.
show table "Countries" a1b3 with c, Countries.X 

In the above script, removing the whichever modifier prevents the script from compiling as Countries.X would not exist otherwise.

In practice, it is frequently expected that the whichever by construct would happen in a situation where the choice of the duplicate has no effect because all lines are identical across all the vectors (unlike the example above).

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