StyleCode Property: areaPosition


Specifies where the area for a series with seriesType: area should be drawn.

Applies to Type Default
barchart > series
chart > block > plot > series
linechart > series
both, above, below both


// Example: barchart > series
table Items = with
  [| as SKU, as Category, as Quantity |]
  [| "AAA", "CAT_1", 10 |]
  [| "BBB", "CAT_2", 20 |]
  [| "CCC", "CAT_1", 30 |]

show barchart "My BarChart" a1b6 with
  sum(Items.Quantity) { areaPosition: above }
  group by Items.Category

// Example: linechart > series
table Day[Date] = with
  [| as Date, as StockOnHand, as StockOnOrder |]
  [| date(2023,01,15), 15,10 |]
  [| date(2023,01,16), 5, 2 |]
  [| date(2023,01,17), 12, 4 |]
  [| date(2023,01,18), 13, 7 |]

show linechart "My Line Chart" a1b6 with
  Day.StockOnHand { areaPosition: above }


The area is usually drawn between the series value and the value provided in the areaTo property. If the position is not both, then the series will only be drawn on points where:

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