StyleCode Property: seriesType


Specifies the display type of a series in a barchart or linechart.

Applies to Type Default
barchart > series
chart > block > plot > series
linechart > series
line, bar, stack, legend, area, background, box, hidden line


// Example: barchart > series
table Items = with
  [| as SKU, as Category, as Quantity |]
  [| "AAA", "CAT_1", 10 |]
  [| "BBB", "CAT_2", 20 |]
  [| "CCC", "CAT_1", 30 |]

show barchart "My BarChart" a1b6 with
  sum(Items.Quantity) { seriesType: bar }
  group by Items.Category

// Example: linechart > series
table Day[Date] = with
  [| as Date, as StockOnHand, as StockOnOrder |]
  [| date(2023,01,15), 15,10 |]
  [| date(2023,01,16), 5, 2 |]
  [| date(2023,01,17), 12, 4 |]
  [| date(2023,01,18), 13, 7 |]

show linechart "My Line Chart" a1b6 with
  Day.StockOnHand { seriesType: bar }


The line value specifies that the series should be displayed as a line. Each value in the series is a vertex on the line, centered on the horizontal range corresponding to the date (day, week or month) for that value.

The stack value specifies that the series should be displayed as a bar. If multiple series are displayed with stack, their bars are stacked on top of each other. The horizontal dimensions of the bar are the horizontal range corresponding to the date for that value.

The legend value specifies that the series should not be displayed in the chart, only in the legend.

The area value specifies that the series should be displayed as an area between the series value and the areaTo value (default is 0).

The hidden value specifies that the series should not be displayed at all, exactly as if it did not exist.

In a barchart, seriesType only applies if barchartGroups is bottom.

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