StyleCode Property: textColor


Specifies the color of text for the text color pipeline.

Applies to Type Default
barchart > series > value
menu > entry
scalar > entry > value
slicepicker > entry
slicetree > entry
summary > entry > value
table > column > append
table > column > prepend
table > column > value
tabs > tab
tabs > tab > badge
color, default default


// Example: assert
myAssertion = false

{ textColor: tomato }
show assert "My Assert" a1b1 with

// Example: barchart > series > value
table Items = with
  [| as SKU, as Category, as Quantity |]
  [| "AAA", "CAT_1", 10 |]
  [| "BBB", "CAT_2", 20 |]
  [| "CCC", "CAT_1", 30 |]

show barchart "My BarChart" a1b6 with
  sum(Items.Quantity) { value { textColor: tomato } }
  group by Items.Category

// Example: form
read form with
  SKU: text
  Maximum: number

{ textColor: tomato }
show form "My Form" a1b1 with

// Example: gauge
{ textColor: tomato }
show gauge "My gauge" a1b2 with 0.5

// Example: label
{ textColor: tomato }
show label "My Label" a1b1

// Example: markdown
{ textColor: tomato }
show markdown "My Markdown" a1b3 with """Some markdown text""" 

// Example: menu > entry
show menu "" a1b3 with
  "Section" { textColor: tomato }

// Example: scalar
myValue = 123

{ textColor: tomato }
show scalar "My Scalar" a1b1 with

// Example: scalar > entry > value
myValue = 123

show scalar "My Scalar" a1b1 with
  myValue { value { textColor: tomato } }

// Example: slicepicker > entry
table Items = with
  [| as Id |]
  [| "A" |]
  [| "B" |]
  [| "C" |]

Items.Slice = sliceDashboard(Items.Id) by Items.Id

show slicepicker "Pick a slice" a1b3 with
  same(Items.Id) { textColor: tomato }

// Example: slicetree > entry
table Items = with
  [| as Id |]
  [| "A" |]
  [| "B" |]
  [| "C" |]

Items.Slice = sliceDashboard(Items.Id) by Items.Id

show slicetree "Pick a slice" a1b3 with
  same(Items.Id) { textColor: tomato }

// Example: summary > entry > value
table Sales = with
  [| as Quantity, as NetAmount |]
  [| 10, 40 |]
  [| 2, 10 |]
  [| 1, 20 |]
show summary "My Summary" a1b3 with
  sum(Sales.Quantity) { value { textColor: tomato } }

// Example: table > column > append
table Orders = with
  [| as Date, as Quantity |]
  [| date(2023,02,21), 150 |]
  [| date(2023,02,22), 250 |]

show table "My Table" a1c4 with
  Orders.Date { append { textColor: tomato } }

// Example: table > column > prepend
table Orders = with
  [| as Date, as Quantity |]
  [| date(2023,02,21), 150 |]
  [| date(2023,02,22), 250 |]

show table "My Table" a1c4 with
  Orders.Date { prepend { textColor: tomato } }

// Example: table > column > value
table Orders = with
  [| as Date, as Quantity |]
  [| date(2023,02,21), 150 |]
  [| date(2023,02,22), 250 |]

show table "My Table" a1c4 with
  Orders.Date { value { textColor: tomato } }

// Example: tabs > tab
show tabs "My Tabs" a1b3 with
  "tab1" { textColor: tomato }

// Example: tabs > tab > badge
show tabs "My Tabs" a1b3 with
  "tab1" { badge { textColor: tomato } }

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