
date, data type

The word date is a contextual keyword of the Envision language. It refers to the primitive data type date, which represents an integral date from January 1st, 2001.

dd = date(2020, 8, 28)
show table "" write:"/sample/onedate.ion" with dd

followed by

read "/sample/onedate.ion" as T with
  dd : date

show scalar "" a1b2 with same(T.dd)

date, dimension

The identifier date always refers to the primary dimension of the built-in Day table, and is always of type date.

date(year: number, month: number, dayOfMonth: number) 🡒 date, const pure function

Returns the date associated to the specified year, month and dayOfMonth according to the Gregorian calendar.

show summary "" a1a3 with
  date(2001, 1, 1)
  date(2020, 11, 25)
  date(2040, 6, 13)

The following restrictions apply, or the function fails:

date(month: month, dayOfMonth: number) 🡒 date, const pure function

Returns the date associated with the specified day within month.

show summary "" a1a3 with 
  date(month(2001, 1), 1)
  date(month(2020, 11), 25)
  date(month(2040, 6), 13)

date(week: week, dayOfWeek: number) 🡒 date, const pure function

Returns the date associated with the specified day within week (monday is 1, sunday is 7).

show summary "" a1a3 with 
  date(week(2001, 1), 1) // 2001-01-01
  date(week(2020, 48), 3) // 2020-11-25
  date(week(2040, 24), 3) // 2040-06-13
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